Fitness store Archives - Health and Fitness Tips live a long, healthy life one step at a time Wed, 13 Feb 2019 02:11:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 What Everyone Needs To Know About Obesity – And How To Solve It – Here In The United States Wed, 13 Feb 2019 02:11:08 +0000 There are many causes of obesity here in the United States, many reasons that nearly 80 million adults and nearly 20 million children are now medically classified as obese – and many reasons that up to half of all adults are projected to have reached obesity by the time that we reach the not so

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There are many causes of obesity here in the United States, many reasons that nearly 80 million adults and nearly 20 million children are now medically classified as obese – and many reasons that up to half of all adults are projected to have reached obesity by the time that we reach the not so far off year of 2030. From a lack of exercise to poor diets to the growth of technology and its promotion of a sedentary lifestyle, there are many reasons that obesity has become a major problem – and a growing one, too – here in the United States.

For many people, for instance, eating a healthy diet and maintaining it has proven to be hugely different. After all, the prevalence of fast food establishments has grown considerably in recent years, more than doubling since the 1970s, when fast food restaurants were certainly present but much less pervasively so. For many people, consuming the refined grains and sugars and saturated fats and excessive sodium levels that fast food contains has become the norm, and far too few people are taking the time to prepare healthful and wholesome meals that will satisfy them and keep them in good shape and good health.

A lack of exercise is a problem as well, with more and more people living very sedentary lifestyles all throughout the United States. The data that has been gathered on the subject more than backs this up, showing that up to 95% of all adults in this country alone are not getting even just 30 minutes of movement and exercise on a daily basis, with up to two thirds of this same adult population not even meeting the weekly time recommendations for exercise. And the problem, unfortunately, is far from confined to the adult population.

In fact, children are recommended to exercise at least moderately for an hour out of every day. Unfortunately, only around one third of children are doing so and though children are likely to suffer far fewer health problems than adults, even when they are obese, this can take its toll. Not only can this actually hamper brain development in young children, but it can lead to a number of health concerns later on in life, as obesity is linked to everything from type 2 diabetes to a considerably higher risk of having a stroke or a heart attack.

Fortunately, exercise and eating right can solve this problem – and lower risk factors for disease and injury quite considerably. Even losing just 5% to 10% of your body weight can have astounding health benefits (if you need to lose weight in the first place, of course). But getting up and moving can be the hard part, and so it is important to find modes of exercise that work for you.

For many people, the use of exercise equipment is a great way to exercise, as exercise equipment can provide some sort of guidance and even goal setting for the person that is using it. And exercise equipment can be found in a variety of places, such as in the typical gym. However, not everyone has the time to go to a gym and many people will even feel quite uncomfortable indeed beginning to exercise in front of other people.

Fortunately, exercise equipment can be bought at fitness stores and even sports stores all throughout the country. At the home fitness stores, home fitness equipment will be able to be found, exercise equipment that is very similar to the gym equipment that you would see at just about any gym or health club – but also exercise equipment that is likely scaled down to fit comfortably in the typical home. For many people, purchasing such exercise equipment is more than worth it in the long run, and making an investment into home exercise equipment that you end up using on a regular basis is actually likely to be far less expensive than paying for a gym membership on a regular basis, at least knowing how expensive gyms are in the United States.

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Top Four Benefits of Regular Exercise Mon, 29 Oct 2018 23:55:08 +0000 Exercise is good for everyone. Regular exercise has so many benefits for those who partake in it on a daily basis. A few different types of exercise include walking, running or jogging, dancing, riding a bike, jumping rope, and more. If you sit behind a computer all day, you should definitely try to exercise more

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Exercise is good for everyone. Regular exercise has so many benefits for those who partake in it on a daily basis. A few different types of exercise include walking, running or jogging, dancing, riding a bike, jumping rope, and more. If you sit behind a computer all day, you should definitely try to exercise more to be healthy and even happier. Keep reading to learn the top benefits of regular exercise.

Regular Exercise Can Make You Happier

Research suggests that regular exercise can make you a happier person overall. In fact, it has been shown that regular exercise can improve your mood and reduce the feelings of depression, anxiety, and even stress. We are all stressed out more often than not on a daily basis. Because of this reason and to make yourself a happier person, get outside more and walk, run, jog, or even ride a bicycle.

The reason why regular exercise makes us happier is because the physical activity actually creates changes in the brain that are responsible for regulating stress and anxiety. Not only this, but, being physically active on a daily basis can increase the production of serotonin and norepinephrine which can ease the feelings of depression.

Regular Exercise Can Help With Weight Loss

Not only can regular forms of exercise or any type of physical activity help you lose weight but keeping up with it can help you maintain the healthy weight. The reason you want to maintain a healthy weight is because research data from 2009 and 2010 states that there are now 78 million adults as well as 12.5 million children and teens that are overweight and obese already because they don’t get the regular exercise they need to stay fit. It has been predicted that by the year of 2030, over half of the adult population will be obese.

If you decide to go to a gym and workout or workout from home, to help you lose weight, you will need the right exercise equipment for your needs. If you are a beginner, you can start out slow and work your way up to different types of exercise equipment or harder to use exercise equipment, such as the ones the professionals use. Home fitness can be a great thing to do on a daily basis too!

Regular Exercise Can Increase Your Energy Naturally

Being physically active and enjoying regular exercise on a daily basis can increase your energy levels naturally. During those days when you feel like you are forcing yourself out of bed, forcing yourself to get up and exercise, or workout, every morning can help you feel better. Instead of feeling bad during the day, if you go for a swift walk, run, jog, or ride your bike, or just workout at home, with your own exercise equipment, or at the gym, you will feel really good.

Think about when you were a young child and you had energy every day. Why? Because you were outside playing all the time. However, these days, many children are sitting in front of a computer or video game screen instead of outside playing sports and being physically active. Most children don’t have the energy they need because of this. Not only this, but not being physically active when you are young can lead to health problems as you get older.

Why not buy your children their own exercise equipment? Maybe if they have something to work out with at home, they will want to get healthy and stay that way.

Regular Exercise Can Improve Brain And Memory Function

If you seem to have a problem remembering where you put your car keys every day, don’t worry, we have the perfect solution for you! Regular exercise on a daily basis can improve brain and memory health and function. This means, if you exercise on a daily basis, you will start to remember things better. That’s a good thing too since some people seem to have problems finding their car keys.

What do you think about the benefits of regular exercise? Let us know in the comments below!

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