Proton therapy for brain cancer Archives - Health and Fitness Tips live a long, healthy life one step at a time Tue, 12 Mar 2024 11:37:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Understanding Non-Invasive Cancer Treatment Options to Be Better Prepared Sun, 26 Aug 2018 17:00:14 +0000 Achieving and maintaining good health can be one of the most important pursuits of human life. Throughout life, a lot of people put in their best efforts to ensure that they stay free from health problems and diseases. For many, this consists of being able to inculcate healthy lifestyle choices and habits, adequate exercise, and

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Achieving and maintaining good health can be one of the most important pursuits of human life. Throughout life, a lot of people put in their best efforts to ensure that they stay free from health problems and diseases. For many, this consists of being able to inculcate healthy lifestyle choices and habits, adequate exercise, and a balanced diet. Unfortunately, there are certain conditions that can not only affect you in spite of these efforts but also severely affect your quality of life. Diseases like cancer that have no known cure can definitely become a significant setback and this is why knowing about the best in non-invasive cancer treatment can keep you prepared.

One of the most important things to know about cancer is that there is no known cure for the disease. This, coupled with the destructive nature of the condition, can make cancer a real threat. Existing treatment options can include surgical removal of cancer, coupled with treatments like chemotherapy and radiation treatment for cancer or radiotherapy.
The problem with these treatment options is usually due to the fact that the extreme side effects and can cause a major amount of collateral damage. This is the main reason why you should definitely spend time and effort researching different kinds of non-invasive cancer treatment.

Understanding Modern Cancer Treatment Options

When it comes to forming a better understanding of the usual treatment options that are currently used for the treatment of cancer, it is important to remember that while these options can indeed save lives, there are a number of side effects that people need to be aware of. When it comes to advanced cancer treatment options for localized cancer like breast cancer or prostate cancer, doctors usually follow the route of surgical treatment followed by the application of chemotherapy or radiation therapy. While surgical treatment takes care of the bulk of the cancerous growth, the other treatment options are meant to handle the spread of cancer to other parts of the body.

Both chemotherapy and radiation treatment do not confine their efforts to just cancer cells. They can also affect healthy cells and this is the reason why there can be immense collateral damage. The treatment for breast cancer often affects the heart and the lungs and the treatment of prostate cancer can also adversely affect other abdominal organs. These are extremely important parts of the boarding and this is why a better and more targeted and focused way of non-invasive cancer treatment can be advisable in many cases.

Important Breakthroughs

When it comes to non-invasive cancer treatment, the useful progress of medicine and technology has brought to the fore a number of excellent options which can provide the efficacy of currently used cobalt-based radiation therapy for cancer while also cutting down on the collateral damage and the side effects. Most of this is due to the emergence of proton radiation therapy which uses proton beam radiation as an alternative to traditional radiation. The key to proton cancer treatment is the fact that proton beam radiation can be accurately controlled to penetrate only a specific depth of the human tissue.

Due to the fact that proton beam radiation can be controlled to penetrate up to a preset depth of the human body, it means that localized sensors can be dealt with without exposing the body to further damage to nearby organs and systems. This is the reason why proton therapy for cancer is already being used in a number of clinics in the country as the preferred mode of non-invasive cancer treatment. Apart from localized cancer like breast cancer and prostate cancer, proton beam radiation has also been effectively used in brain cancer treatment. This is definitely a good sign for better things to come when it comes to cancer treatment in general.

In conclusion, it is always important to understand and be informed about the latest and best in terms of non-invasive cancer treatment. With the frequency of cases of cancer on the rise, having the right knowledge and insight indefinitely help you figure out the right treatment option if you or someone you care about suddenly becomes affected by this dreaded disease. The response time can be crucial.

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Proton Therapy for Prostate Cancer Could Be the Answer You Are Looking For Wed, 21 Feb 2018 01:51:10 +0000 A diagnosis of cancer is never an easy thing to hear or to carry. There have been incredible advancements in science, medicine, and technology over the years, and many of these advancements have allowed people to move on with their lives after serious medical conditions, such as cancer. One does have to wonder when all

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Treatment of prostate cancer

A diagnosis of cancer is never an easy thing to hear or to carry. There have been incredible advancements in science, medicine, and technology over the years, and many of these advancements have allowed people to move on with their lives after serious medical conditions, such as cancer. One does have to wonder when all of these wonderful advancements will add up to a cure that takes care of cancer once and for all, but until then, there are better options for treatment than there were not long ago.

Proton therapy for prostate cancer and other types of cancer

For quite some time, radiation therapy has been used to combat dreaded cancer cells. The big problem with that approach is that the process can be quite invasive and detrimental to the rest of the body. Otherwise healthy cells and organs can be affected by the radiation, compounding the original problem. Proton therapy for prostate cancer and other forms of cancer is a major improvement.

In this therapy, the treatment still involves radiation, but it is much more localized. The radiation stops at specific spot within the tissue that has been targeted, rather than passing through to vital surrounding organs. For example, in the case of breast cancer, proton therapy will allow for 50% less radiation to the lung, and no radiation passing through to the heart. Typically, while the time needed delivering the protons to the tumor itself only takes around one or two minutes, the entire treatment session can take anywhere from 15 minutes to 45 minutes. When it comes to proton therapy for prostate cancer, many men are relieved to discover just how this localized treatment will affect them in the long run.

Cancer treatment therapy that targets the problem

Cancer on its own is already enough of a devastating hurdle to attempt to overcome. Attempting to deal with side effects from the treatment as well can feel like far too much to handle. Proton cancer treatment, with its specifically targeted process, helps to eliminate some of the extra stress and potential damage. While there may be a few different treatment options for prostate cancer, many people find that proton treatment is the best option for them.

Some research has shown that 99% of men with low risk prostate cancer who were treated with proton therapy showed no evidence of recurring cancer five years later. Similarly, 94% of those with intermediate risk prostate cancer and 74% of those with high risk prostate cancer show no signs of cancer five years down the road. In addition to these encouraging statistics, 94% of men who had prostate cancer and were treated with proton therapy reported that they were able to be sexually active after their treatment.

Cancer is a formidable foe, to be sure. Finding out that you have any form of cancer can be extremely difficult. But knowing that there continues to be new advancements in treatment can provide at least a bit of solace or relief.

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