Home test for sleep apnea Archives - Health and Fitness Tips live a long, healthy life one step at a time Tue, 12 Mar 2024 11:41:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.3 What is Sleep Apnea and a CPAP Machine? https://healthandfitnesstips.us/what-is-sleep-apnea-and-a-cpap-machine/ Thu, 21 Dec 2017 21:04:08 +0000 http://healthandfitnesstips.us/?p=630 What is this sleep apnea that we all hear so much about? Can it, should it be treated? Sleep apnea is a common disorder, found mostly in men, in which several pauses occur during breathing while asleep, or it can be short breaths. The breathing pauses can be brief, a few seconds, or they can

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Continuous positive airway pressure

What is this sleep apnea that we all hear so much about? Can it, should it be treated? Sleep apnea is a common disorder, found mostly in men, in which several pauses occur during breathing while asleep, or it can be short breaths. The breathing pauses can be brief, a few seconds, or they can be protracted, even minutes long.

To treat sleep apnea, a machine called a CPAP machine is used. CPAP stands for continuous positive airway pressure. CPAP therapy is the commonly accepted treatment for sleep apnea. And what exactly does a CPAP machine do? The CPAP machine utilizes a hose and mask and sometimes a nosepiece to deliver constant and steady air pressure to the sleeper.

Okay, so, what if you or someone you know or love has sleep apnea. Do they need a CPAP machine? But how do they find one and how much is a sleep apnea machine? What about a used one? How do you find the lowest prices on used CPAP machines?

Before you find yourself hesitating to make this investment, let?s look at some of the reasons you should make this investment. People with sleep apnea which goes untreated are at four times greater risk for stroke than people who do not have sleep apnea. It has also been found that untreated sleep apnea patients are at greater risk for heart disease as well. In fact, they are three times more likely to have heart disease. Further, 38,000 deaths occur each year due to cardiovascular problems related to sleep apnea, according to the National Commission on Sleep Disorders Research. So, you see, sleep apnea is serious business. Try to find the lowest prices on used CPAP machines before you give up on purchasing one, now that you see it is important.

Okay, so how much does a CPAP machine cost? Once you do decide to commit to the investment in a CPAP machine, you can research and find out. It isn?t hard to find the lowest prices on used CPAP machine. And there are other things to consider along with the price. Do you think you will prefer a CPAP full face mask? Or would you prefer nasal pillows? It?s hard to determine as the general preference in this usage is divided equally between these two options.

Once again, try to find the lowest prices on used CPAP machines. It can be helpful. And once you do purchase your CPAP machine and settle into treatment, you should know that, for best results and for continually insurance coverage, you should use your CPAP machine for at least four hours a night, or a given 70 percent of the time over about 30 days.

Although this may seem like a big step and expense, don?t forget to try and find the lowest prices on used CPAP machines. Gently used CPAP machines can be found and they may just be the thing you need to ease you into a better night?s sleep, and better health.

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Finding Discounted Sleep Apnea Machines https://healthandfitnesstips.us/finding-discounted-sleep-apnea-machines/ Fri, 16 Dec 2016 18:04:13 +0000 http://healthandfitnesstips.us/?p=400 Medical care and equipment can get expensive. This is especially true if you have a chronic medical condition that requires regular medications, equipment, and physician visits. Even common medical conditions, such as sleep apnea, can result in thousands of dollars of treatments and necessary medical equipment. Sleep apnea is prevalent in as many as an

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Sleep apnea causes

Medical care and equipment can get expensive. This is especially true if you have a chronic medical condition that requires regular medications, equipment, and physician visits. Even common medical conditions, such as sleep apnea, can result in thousands of dollars of treatments and necessary medical equipment. Sleep apnea is prevalent in as many as an estimated 18 million Americans. Fortunately, there are many programs and ways to find discounted pre-owned inventory of certified CPAP and BIPAP machines, which is one of the most expensive pieces of equipment needed for those suffering with sleep apnea conditions.

Medical discount programs If you do your research, you can usually find medical discount programs. These programs can help with medications and other pre-owned inventory of certified CPAP and BIPAP equipment. In most cases, it does not require much to be approved for these programs. You simply have to contact the supplier of the CPAP or BIPAP machine that your physician recommended, and inquire about how to receive assistance.

Physician samples Sometimes medical suppliers provide physician?s offices with samples. The physicians can provide the samples to their patients. Some physician offices may have pre-owned inventory of certified CPAP and BIPAP machines available for usage. These preowned machines might have been turned back in from a patient who no longer found use in them, or from someone else who used it to try the specific brand. The physician can recommend specific CPAP machine brands based on the ones they have in the office for you try out.

Medical supplier store Although most medical supplier stores charge retail prices for their CPAP machine supplies, you can sometimes find discounted pre-owned inventory of certified CPAP and BIPAP machines. These may be older models or machines that were returned for a lack of usage. Studies show that about half of all people prescribed CPAP machines stop using them in one to three weeks, making preowned ones relatively easy to find, even in a medical supplier store. Simply ask the store associate if they have any reduced priced or gently previously used CPAP machine for sale.

Insurance provider Your insurance provider may cover the costs of your CPAP and BIPAP machine or your BIPAP mask. You should always inquire with your insurance provider if they will cover it, before purchasing one. They may have specific reimbursement standards that require you to purchase a specific model or type. Additionally, pre-owned inventory of certified CPAP and BIPAP machines may not be covered. Your insurance provider may want you to have the best CPAP mask, something that is newer, and harder to find used models for.

For best results and continued insurance coverage, patients should use CPAP at least 70% of the time over a 30 day period, for at least 4 hours every night. Considering that many patients stop using the CPAP or BIPAP machine within a couple of weeks, it is important to continue regular coverage for insurance coverage. The insurance company will also generally not continue to pay for the machine, if you do not regularly use it for many months. Ensure that you understand how the reimbursement and out of pocket fee structure works.

Some medical conditions can get very expensive. Sleep apnea, although common among Americans, is one of those conditions. BIPAP and CPAP machines have shown to be successful in reducing sleep apneas in a single night. The actual machine itself can get quite expensive, but those who find it beneficial can find alternative ways to afford it. You can often find medical help programs, your physician may be able to provide you with one to try, your local medical supply store may have discounted machines, and your insurance provider may cover a portion of the cost.

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How Your Sleep Apnea Could Be Affecting Your Cardiovascular Health Too https://healthandfitnesstips.us/how-your-sleep-apnea-could-be-affecting-your-cardiovascular-health-too/ Tue, 13 Dec 2016 02:23:35 +0000 http://healthandfitnesstips.us/?p=394 Has your partner or have your roommates been complaining about your snoring keeping them awake? Are you having trouble staying awake during the day or do you wake up feeling like you haven’t slept a wink? You may be suffering from sleep apnea, which can have serious consequences for your health past not being able

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Discount cpap mask parts

Has your partner or have your roommates been complaining about your snoring keeping them awake? Are you having trouble staying awake during the day or do you wake up feeling like you haven’t slept a wink? You may be suffering from sleep apnea, which can have serious consequences for your health past not being able to get a good night’s sleep. Though many with sleep apnea haven’t been diagnosed and don’t seek out treatment, it’s a good idea to do so, as untreated sleep apnea can have an impact on your heart health. Your doctor may suggest CPAP machines as a method of treating your sleep apnea, which can allow you to get a good night’s sleep. You can do a home test for sleep apnea, though your doctor may want you in the hospital for a sleep study as well. CPAP masks, CPAP nasal pillows, and CPAP machines are are all available, depending on your preferences.
How Common in Sleep Apnea and What Are Its Effects?
Almost 20 million Americans suffer from sleep apnea and two to four percent have never been diagnosed with it. That’s about one in fifty Americans who may not know that they have sleep apnea. Men are at a particular risk for sleep apnea; they’re twice as likely to have it as compared to women. According to a study, asthma patients have an almost 40% higher risk of having sleep apnea that those who don’t have asthma. During an average night of sleep those who have sleep apnea might have 60 apneas an hour, during which time they stop breathing for seconds.
Perhaps the most noticeable effects of sleep apnea is being tired all the time, especially during the day. Patients may experience sleep deprivation or insomnia at night and loud, choking snoring. Dry mouths and throats are often common in the morning and due to lack of sleep, may be more irritable or experience depression in weight loss.
Perhaps more worrisome, those who have sleep apnea that’s not being treated have a four times higher risk of having a stroke than those without sleep apnea and are three times as likely to have heart disease. The National Commission on Sleep Disorders Research also reports that almost 40,000 deaths happen yearly because of cardiovascular issues that have a connection to sleep apnea.
How Do CPAP Machines Help?
CPAP machines funnel a steady stream of pressurized air through a hose or mask to keep the airways open. Heated humidification options are available for maximum comfort, as some users complain about dry mouths or noses. Preferences between nasal pillows versus CPAP machines are pretty half and half; half would rather use a nasal pillow, 45% gravitate towards nasal masks, and 5% of users don’t have a preference.
You should use your CPAP as recommended — around 80% of patients say they don’t use their CPAP machine as often as they should be for maximum safety. This can also hurt your insurance coverage. For real results and for insurance purposes, it’s suggested that patients should use CPAP for at least four hours per night — about 70% of the time for a month.
Like anything, CPAP machines certainly take a little getting used to. Sleeping with a machine and a mask or specialized pillow might be bulky and awkward for some people, but a little initial discomfort is worth keeping your heart healthy and ultimately getting a better night’s sleep. Over time, if you stick with your CPAP machine, you’ll get used to it and barely even notice it’s there.
If you’re wondering how to get a CPAP machine, you may need a prescription for one. Your doctor may be able to order you one, although you can also find them online and a pre-owned CPAP machine might be a good financial move if you need one but can’t afford a brand new one.
If you suspect that you might have sleep apnea, don’t delay! Talk to your doctor about the effects of sleep apnea and what you can do to treat it. Don’t let it go untreated and put your heart at risk.

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