Did you know that there’s an estimated 27 million Americans who suffer from some form of thyroid disease, and at least half of them don’t even know that they’re affected?
The thyroid is the gland in control of your metabolism. It produces a hormone that influences every cell, tissue and organ in your body, making it highly inter-related with every bodily system. This is why it’s important to know about thyroid disease, because if there are thyroid imbalances, your body can’t work properly.
There are many signs of thyroid imbalances. These include: neck swelling, hoarse voice, poor concentration, poor memory, constipation, dry/cracking skin, brittle nails, cold hands and feet (when other parts of your body aren’t cold), muscle pain, joint pain, tendonitis, low sex drive, irregular periods, mood swings, depression, anxiety, weight gain/the inability to lose weight, and fatigue after getting proper amounts of sleep. And these are only some of the symptoms for thyroid disease.
If you’re worried that you may have problems with your thyroid, or that you could potentially be affected in the future, there are some risk factors for thyroid disease to watch out for. According to the Mayo Clinic, thyroid imbalances are more common in women than in men, and tend to run in families. If there’s a member of your family suffering from thyroid imbalances, it’s important to speak to your doctor about monitoring your thyroid’s functions.
Thyroid disease can also lead to other health complications as well. Some of the most serious complications involve the heart, as it can create a rapid heart rate, atrial fibrillation, and a congestive heart failure, which is a condition where your heart doesn’t circulate enough blood. Thankfully, these complications are reversible with the correct treatments.
Thyroid imbalances are dangerous, and should be guarded against. If you feel any of the signs, or have any of the risk factors, you need to see your doctor to avoid the disease and its complications. If you have any questions about thyroid imbalances, feel free to ask in the comments.