While items similar to the catheter supplies we know today were created in the early 1900s by a Dubliner, today, Medicare catheter coverage makes it easy for you to get the modern version of their invention without having to hurt your finances to do so. In fact, there have been many advances with catheters such as the invention of the Foley catheter, which took place in the 1930s, thanks to Fredric Foley of Boston, Massachusetts. Some of the best advances with the catheter were created by David Sheridan, as he was the man who first designed disposable models. This advance has saved the lives of many people because before his time, the rubber tubes in catheters were simply reused, which caused a urinary tract infection after catheter use in many people as well as spread diseases like wildfire.
While you will certainly want to prevent a urinary tract infection catheters can be expensive, and you may need help to get them. Fortunately Medicare catheter coverage makes this process affordable for you. With Medicare catheter coverage, you will be able to get all of the self catheterization supplies that you need of a disposable nature. This way, you can use them all on yourself to relieve your bladder anytime that you want, and you will never have to worry about relying on others or increasing your risk for infection. Instead, you can live an otherwise normal life, and no one will ever have to know that you even use a catheter.