Taking a Look At The Important Breakthroughs Of Proton Therapy For Cancer Patients
Though a cancer diagnosis is absolutely a terrifying and life changing moment in any person’s life, there is hope for cancer patients. There are more treatments now than ever before, and even more treatments that are in the process of being tested out in clinical trials. Cancer is not always a death sentence. In fact, many people recover from cancer and go onto lead full and productive lives, the cancer only a distant memory of the past.
In part, this is thanks to cancer proton therapy. Cancer proton therapy provides a viable alternative to the traditional methods of radiation and is actually better than said traditional methods of radiation in many ways. For one, the radiation that your entire body will experience is far less in cancer proton therapy treatment than over the course of traditional radiation treatments.
This is due to the fact that cancer proton therapy works by directly targeting the area where the cancer is located, which prevents the other, non cancerous parts of your body from being exposed to said radiation. And the results are impressive. In cases of breast cancer, for instance, the lungs will receive only around fifty percent of the radiation that they would have experienced had traditional radiation treatments been pursued. On top of this, the heart is likely to experience no forms of radiation in cases of such cancers. And the gastrointestinal system too is spared, kept from up to fifty nine percent of the radiation that would be experienced just with your basic x-ray procedure.
Cancer proton therapy has also been proven to be highly effective, especially in treating prostate cancer. The treatment options for prostate cancer have begun to include cancer proton therapy more and more frequently, as cancer proton therapy has high rates of effectiveness for this type of cancer in particular. In fact, among cancer patients who were diagnosed with low risk prostate cancer, up to ninety nine percent remain totally cancer free five years later, when the distinction of cured can first be applied to cancer survivors. And for those diagnosed with intermediate risk prostate cancer, the odds are still great, with ninety four percent of such patients still cancer free after that span of time. Even if you have been diagnosed with high risk prostate cancer, there is still a great chance that you will fully recover, as very nearly seventy five percent of those that underwent cancer proton therapy still have not had a cancer recurrence after five full years.
And cancer proton treatment allows cancer survivors to maintain their overall quality of life and living, thanks to the targeted approach of the treatment that very much spares other parts of the body from unnecessary damage. This is particularly true in the case of prostate cancer survivors. When treatment of prostate cancer involves the traditional radiation treatment for cancer, impotence and a lack of sexual desire or ability to conceive is common in the aftermath of the treatment and the cancer itself. But with cancer proton therapy, this is often not the case. In fact, very nearly ninety five percent of those who underwent cancer proton therapy from prostate cancer find that they are able to pick up their sex life after their course of treatment for said cancer has been fully completed.
Of course, cancer proton therapy is not just ideal for cases of prostate cancer. Cancer proton therapy can provide a course of treatment for many other types of cancer as well. From proton treatment for breast cancer to proton therapy for brain cancer, many different types of cancer will very much benefit from a course or several of cancer proton therapy. As more and more people begin to see the impressive impact of proton therapy, more and more cancer patients will be able to experience its immense benefits and experience more years of quality life. Many will even go on to lead a completely normal life and lifespan once their treatment for cancer has been completed – if it is a proton therapy course of treatment for their cancerous cells, that is.