Some patients find it difficult to handle their medical needs on their own. They struggle to make it to physician appointments, fill prescriptions, and get the necessary medical supplies they require. Fortunately, our world is shifting toward one of convenience and these conveniences can help the medical patient that just needs a little extra help.
Use ride sharing services
Ride sharing services are often thought of as a drinking and driving solution. However, medical patients that do not feel comfortable driving can also take advantage of these services. The fees of these services are often more affordable than a traditional cab. Additionally, some companies strictly offer medical rides to patients without any other type of transportation. These services can be used for transportation to doctor?s appointments, surgical appointments, or even to the local pharmacy to pick up filled prescriptions.
Arrange for a medication delivery
The same ride sharing services are also implementing delivery services into their business. Consumers can now have their groceries and medications delivered to their front door. Many of the larger pharmacy companies are also offering this medication service in some areas. For some patients, there is not even an extra charge. Find out from your medical supplier if your pharmacist delivers medications. Additionally, many will also deliver any needed medical supplies including over the counter medications, lubricants, or catheters.
Request free samples from your doctor?s office
Some patients are also worried about the high cost of medications. Always ask your physician if they have any samples lying around. Pharmaceutical companies are constantly dropping off samples to doctor?s offices to encourage their use. The doctor generally has no other use for these samples and will happily give them to you. Why buy catheters or lubricant online when you can get a catheter free sample? Even if you approve of the free catheter sample, you can still request additional free samples from your physician or the supplier.
Connect with the pharmaceutical company
Some pharmaceutical companies are known for treating specific medical conditions. For example, one medical company will specialize in treating urinary problems by manufacturing catheters and lubricants. In 2008, the world market for urinary continence care devices of all kinds (mainly catheters and pads) was estimated to be US $1.8 billion per year. Connecting with this specific pharmaceutical company can get you coupons and other discounts for needed urinary items, including catheters and lubricants. Urinary incontinence tends to increase with age from 14% of individuals aged 65 to 69 years to 45% in those aged 85 years or over.
Set up an automatic delivery for needed medications
Some medical suppliers will deliver medical supplies if they are set up for an automatic delivery process. They are already delivering to local physicians and hospital settings. Adding in medical patients only increases their business. However, it is often required that an automatic delivery is scheduled. But, this is a great option for those medical supplies that you know you will continue to use including catheters, lubricants, and adult pads.
According to the Institute on Aging, by 2010, 5.5 million Americans lived to the age of 85 plus. By 2050, this 85 plus age group will climb to 19 million Americans, or a total population of 5%. This means that there will be a larger population of senior Americans requiring assistive medical care. Fortunately, the world is already changing to one of convenience. Medical patients can have their medical supplies and medications shipped right to their front door.