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One of the most difficult situations facing many Americans in society today is that of infertility. Many American couples will settle down to try and start a family and will face a difficult time of trying to have a child. While many believe it to be quite easy, having a child is not as easy as simply engaging in sexual intercourse. For many, having a child is one of the most difficult tasks in their lives.
If you and your partner decide to have a child, it is important that you consult a fertility expert for a number of reasons. While they are not highlighted with prolific news stories, a fertility expert is a very important role in society. Here are some of the ways in which consulting a fertility expert may help you. Out of all the women in America, 7.4 million which equates to 11.9%, have ever received any infertility services in their lifetime. With this stat in mind, let us discuss the importance of a fertility expert.
For 12% of all married women, getting pregnant or sustaining a pregnancy is going to be incredibly difficult. Understand that both people can liable in the case of being infertile. One-third of all infertility is attributed to the female partner, the male partner, and also both partners having a combination of problems. 44% of all women with infertility issues have sought out medical assistance for help and of the women who get medical intervention, about 65% will give birth.
About 90% of all cases of infertility can be treated with drug therapy or surgical procedures. The following states have passed laws requiring that insurance policies help cover some level of infertility treatment: Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Montana, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Rhode Island, Texas and West Virginia.
In women, fertility will begin to decline from about the age of 30 and drops down even more steeply after the age of 35. For most women, once they reach the age 40, only two in five women who want to have a child will even be able to do so. Between the ages of 20 and 24 are when women are most fertile. These facts are rare and random and only a true fertility expert can understand how to dive into the intricacies of having a child.
About 6.7 million women between the ages of 15 to 44 have impaired fecundity, which means they have an impaired ability to get pregnant or carry a baby to term. The Center for Disease Control conducted a study to analyze data produced from the 2002 National Survey of Family Growth and as a result found that 7.5% of all sexually experienced men younger than the age of 45 reported seeing a fertility doctor at least once in their lifetime. To make it simple, this number equates to about 3.3 – 4.7 million men.
In conclusion, if you want to have a baby or want to make sure you are fertile then you should seek out a fertility expert. If you needed help with medicine you would seek out a doctor, it should be no different for you if you are going to go forward with trying to have a child. Any couple between the ages of 29 and 33 featuring normal functioning reproductive systems has a 20-25% chance of conceiving a child at any given time. Make sure you properly conceive your child, and make sure you have all of the right information by consulting a fertility expert.