Packaging is everything in the modern world. Without smart clinical storage solutions to keep our everyday drink, medicine and food accessible the risk for injury and even death would reach astronomically high numbers. Businesses large and small recognize this simple truth and are putting more effort than ever to make sure their products are well-protected and delivered in a timely manner. But what separates the best medical packaging techniques from lackluster ones? How do analytical and research services contribute to seemingly simple products such as pain medication and chewables? Let’s take a look.
What Is Blister Packaging Used For?
Put simply? For nearly everything you can imagine. Blister packaging companies tackle a variety of problems large and small on a daily basis in an attempt to help out customers who need everything from basic multivitamins to life-saving heart medication. Clinical storage is an entire industry dedicated to pioneering blister packaging techniques and the standards we set today could very well change tomorrow.
What Separates Blister Packaging From Regular Packaging?
Packaging is designed to keep an item, food or drink safe while transported. The main aspect of blister packaging, specifically, is the cavity or ‘pocket’ created by a formable web. This minor detail keeps sensitive products safer and reduces their chances of being damaged while being transported. There are many different types of blister packaging and these categories have only continued to expand as demand has.
What Kinds Of Blister Packaging Are There?
There are plenty of different types of blister packaging out there for your business to take advantage of. Bottle packaging, for starters, provides a plethora of cap options including, but not limited to, the snap off and the child safe. Pouch packaging options are dedicated to liquid products and also can come with childsafe seals and strip seals. Last, but not least, cartoning is a very popular packaging option for pharmaceuticals for its accurate labeling. Auto injector pens and sterilized bottles generally require more customized packaging for their higher risk of misuse.
How Can Blister Packaging Be Customized?
Another option you can take advantage of when seeking out clinical storage solutions is that of customization. Our world is more modern than ever and seemingly complex tasks such as labeling, color coding and designing can be altered at the drop of a hat. All in all, blister packaging is the most popular method of packaging pharmaceuticals and health-related foods in the United States. With demand increasing by astronomical figures, businesses need to take advantage of every resource they have to make sure their products aren’t damaged by careless hands or temperature changes on the way to the customer.
How Is Blister Packaging Changing In The Future?
Bottle packaging designs, clinical labeling and clinical trials outsourcing have a lot to contend with over the coming years. Doctors and pharmacies alike either ordered or provided over 271 million prescription drugs during hospital emergency room visits alone back in 2010. Pharmaceutical studies have shown three-quarters of medical visits involve a form of drug therapy and nearly half of all Americans have used at least one prescription drug within the past month. With medical packaging design combining ease of access with safety precautions, the world is looking healthier already.